Compliance management system

At a fundamental level, the group compliance management system is rooted in our development mission and our unique approach to staff recruitment and development. Our methodical and responsible approach to all operations is underpinned by our Code of Conduct. Compliance with the Code of Conduct is compulsory for all staff members. Regular training is provided.

On a more formal level, the Group Compliance Officer bears responsibility for the implementation of a group-wide system to ensure fulfilment of all applicable regulatory requirements. There is a Group Compliance Committee and corresponding committees at the bank level to enable efficient coordination on all compliance-relevant issues. Compliance risks are regularly assessed and controlled. Each ProCredit bank has a Compliance Officer who bears responsibility for managing adherence to national banking regulations and for reporting regularly and ad hoc to the Management of the bank and to the Group Compliance Officer. The Supervisory Board receives an Annual Group Compliance Risk Management Report.

All ProCredit institutions apply German and EU regulatory standards, local AML regulations as well as international best-practice methods for the prevention of money laundering and other financial crimes. Comprehensive Group Operational Risk Management and Fraud Prevention Policies regulate stringent standards with regard to whistle-blowing, New Risk Approval, Key Risk Indicators and the group Risk Event Database. All ProCredit institutions apply a diligent approach to data protection.

Any conduct which is inconsistent with established rules, in any group institution, can be reported anonymously to

Further details can be found in our Disclosure Report, Impact Report and Annual Report, all of which are available on this website.