ProCredit Holding and its role
ProCredit Holding AG is the parent company of the group, controlling the majority of shares in all ProCredit institutions worldwide. The main functions of ProCredit Holding vis-à-vis its subsidiaries are the provision of equity and debt financing, strategic guidance and supervision. It sets the overall policy guidelines and standards regarding all key areas of banking operations. ProCredit Holding is responsible for ensuring that all ProCredit institutions have appropriate organisational structures and procedures in place that reflect these policies, and that they apply appropriate standards for risk management and the prevention of money laundering, fraud and the financing of terrorism. ProCredit Holding, supported by the consultancy company IPC – Internationale Projekt Consult GmbH (IPC), has also taken the lead in introducing a comprehensive Environmental Management System in all banks of the group as well as in training management and staff with respect to environmental standards.
ProCredit Holding is strongly involved in staff management and training. It takes the lead in the development and delivery of curricula at the central ProCredit Academy in Fürth, Germany and the content of the ProCredit Onboarding Programme in the group’s regional training centre in Serbia. It also facilitates the rapid dissemination of best-practice approaches by running regular seminars and workshops for the managers of all ProCredit institutions.