Our approach to staff

Group-wide philosophy and policies

Central to the ProCredit group’s business model is a deeply thought-through approach to our human resources. In cooperation with all of the ProCredit banks, group-wide standards have been established for the entire range of HR-related activities, from recruitment to training to remuneration. Ethical banking can only be successful if we have employees who identify with our values and goals, and actively pursue them. Our values are based on the principles set forth in the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To formalise the ProCredit group’s commitment to observing and respecting these principles, our Management Board signed the ProCredit Group Statement on Human Rights. The statement complements our Code of Conduct, which explicitly documents our values and the resulting principles that govern our behaviour in the ProCredit group. Therefore, we have set strict standards for staff selection and training based on a strong sense of mutual respect and personal responsibility and long-term commitment to the institution.

Our mission statement sets the operational framework for all banks in the ProCredit group.